Saturday, July 29, 2006

Time Travel Paradox

The twin brothers paradox is a favourite cocktail topic, when talking about time travel. The paradox is stated roughly like this.

There are twin brothers on earth, and one of them takes a flight in a rocket and travels close to the speed of light while the other one stays on earth. After 10 earth-years, when the travelling twin returns to earth, he will be much younger (physically) compared to his twin brother, who has aged 10 earth-years. The earth-years mentioned here is similar to years, but for the sake of correctness, it is termed as earth years.

Most of the explainations for this paradox of twin brothers on internet (including wikipedia) are decently complex for some not scieitific person, who just want to be amused. For thos amusing people, here is an alternate explaination.

Forget about time travel, and twin brothers for a moment (ding dong!!). Lets talk about something

1. Nothing in this universe (or any other universe) can travel faster than light.
2. Nothing in this universe (or any other universe) can travel faster than light.
3. I just repeated the previous sentence, just to emphasize my point.
4. Even *TIME* cannot travel faster than light.
5. Therefore, TIME has a speed.

As a human being, when we move from Spain to Beijing, we are travelling in space. Since it takes us 16 hours to travel from Spain to Beijing, we are also travelling in TIME. We are doing a space-time travel. Everyone on this earth is travelling in time, and with the same speed. Right?

If there is a machine, that can be used to accelerate the velocity of time (as perceived one earth), One can travel 5 earth-days in 2 earth-days only. You got the point.

Once again, nothing can travel faster than light, even time cannot travel faster than light. Time as seen on earth has a finite speed. Therefore, a machine can travel faster than time and does time travel.

This can explain, time travel into future, how do I explain time travel into past? Slow down my Time-Car?

Friday, July 28, 2006

Software Piracy.. Did you know...?

It is quite well known that software piracy is one of the biggest problem faced by american companies in China. It is estimated that 96% of the software in China is pirated resulting in huge losses to american companies.

Humm....How much is really the loss?

From an articke in pcworld magzine, the software piracy in china cost united states roughly 1.19 billion dollars a year. Wow thats a huge number. It is alarming and everybody knows about it. We need to do something about it!!!

According to an article in Red Herring (July 31st issue), some 21% of all softwares in united states are unlicensed (a.k.a pirated, although unlicensed sounds better); and caused in $$ 6.6 Billion dollars losses in 2005, according to trade group Business Software Alliance. That is roughly 5 times 1.19.

Did you know..?

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Stem Cell Research - Veto'ed

For starters, a brief introduction on Stem Cell Research can be found at this wikipedia link. Wikipedia is a very good source for general information, but that discussion is for some other post. In general, the information about arcane topics is easier found on wikipedia than using google or yahoo search.

It is believed that, Embryonic stem cell research can cure diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Doug Melton's specialty, type 1 diabetes. There is apparently no direct evidence to support data. However, the invonations in science does not come from the presence of direct evidence, instead from an investigative mind, a plausible theory and freedom to validate (or invalidate) that theory. .. to be continued...